Page 11 - VVM Brochure 2021
P. 11

  STEP  III: Registration of Students from School/Institute
 Exam coordinator can ask the students of his/her school/institute (who wish to take up the VVM online exam) to register in individual student category and complete the registration by paying a fee of Rs. 100/-. Once they are provided with login credentials, they will be able to enter the Unique Referral Code in their dashboard after logging into their account. As soon as the students will enter the Unique Referral Code in their dashboard, they will be automatically added to school dashboard.
 Theexamcoordinatorhastwootheroptionstoregisterthestudents:
 OnlineOnebyoneonlineentryofthestudentdetails.
 Ofine  The coordinator enters minimal details like Name of the student, Class, Gender,
Email ID, Phone No. etc. in the prescribed excel format provided for this purpose. It will be an ofine process, because, editable excel le (no changes in the format of le will be acceptable) is provided for data entry.
 Thisinformationwillbereectedonthewebsiteasstudentprole.
 Aftercompletionoftheentriesthedatacanbeuploadedonline,partiallyorcompletely.Ifthe
uploading or data submission is successful he/she will be provided with an option to make the
 After the successful submission of exam fee the exam coordinator will be provided with each
student's username and password via email and these details will also be available on the school dashboard. He/she will be required to distribute the same to the respective students. The login credentials of students will not function till the fee payment status is not updated.
 Afterthisthejobofexamcoordinatoriscomplete,unlessmodicationofastudent'sdetailsis needed.
STEP  IV: Creation of Student Prole
· After rst time login, students will be required to update/change their password (mandatory).
· Student can complete their prole after logging to the website. In the student prole page, the details of the student like prole photo, DoB, Father's Name, Mother's Name, Residential
address etc. need to be uploaded.
· Date for the examination will be pre-selected and students will not be allowed to make any
further changes in the same. Student has to arrange for a device with good internet connectivity on the pre-selected date and time of examination.
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