विद्यार्थी विज्ञान मंथन

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan
Science and Mathematics from text books 50% (50 Questions) [1 Mark Each] NCERT & various State Boards Curriculum
(Click here to view topics)
Indian Contributions to Science* 20% (20 Questions) [1 Mark Each] VVM Study Material
Life Story of Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar** 20% (20 Questions) [1 Mark Each] VVM Study Material
Logic & Reasoning 10% (10 Questions) [1 Mark Each] General Reading

* Please keep in mind the following information:
- Section B will only be assessed if a student scores 50% or more in Section A.
- The final list of participants for the State level Camp will be based on the total marks obtained in both Section A and Section B
- In the event of a tie in rankings, the marks achieved in Section A will be the deciding factor.

* will be available in Digital Format from 16th August, 2024 onwards. No hard copies will be provided.

**Digital Format can be accessed 45 days prior to exam. No hard copies will be provided.

Displaying the Marks Obtained Secured - Marks secured/obtained by the students will be available on their dashboard after the declaration of the result. Students can login into their VVM’s account to check the same and download participation/merit certificate/s


Top 20 rankers from each class for every state will be identified to participate in the one or two-day State Level Camp (SLC). The camp will be organized at any location within the state.

State Level Camp will consist of Application Orientated Multiple Choice Questions, Hands-On Activities, Observation and Analysis, Situational Problem Solving Ability and a series of other activities. States will be clubbed according to number of students who appeared for the examination, as per consideration of their geographical and cultural resemblance, and convenience of the students.

Selected students will have to bear their travel expense to attend the State Level Camp. No travel support for this purpose will be provided. The venue and other details will be communicated to all selected students by the respective state coordinator(s).


Top two students from each class i.e. total 12 students from each state will be invited to a two-day National Camp. National Camp (NC) will comprise of Activities to test Scientific Understanding, Innovation, Creativity, Out-of-Box Thinking and Assessment of Leadership Quality.

Selected students will have to bear their travel expense to attend the National Camp. No travel support for this purpose will be provided. Organisers will make boarding and lodging arrangements. Necessary details regarding venue and others will be provided to all the students selected for participation in National Camp by the respective state coordinator(s).