विद्यार्थी विज्ञान मंथन

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan



Please note that it is not necessary that all School Level Winners will be the District Level Winners. In the same way it is not necessary that all District Level Winners will be selected for State Level Camp Participation

Districts Rankers from Junior group :

Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
JK417310 ARADHYA SHARMA 6 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 1
JK397164 SONAM SLATHIA 6 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 2
JK397484 RESHIKA MANGOTRA 6 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 3
JK341446 ARYAVEER SINGH 7 Kv Cuj,Samba 1
JK337831 MANYA 7 Kendriya vidyalaya CUJ rahya suchani,Samba 2
JK396948 DHRUV SHARMA 7 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 3
JK396893 MANNAT CHOUDHARY 8 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 1
JK396881 ANANYA SHARMA 8 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 2
JK396881 ANANYA SHARMA 8 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 2
JK417307 SUSHIL ATTRI 8 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 3

Districts Rankers from Senior group :

Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
JK397300 AKRITI SHARMA 9 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 1
JK380216 REMU SHARMA 10 Govt.hR.Sec.school utterbehani,Samba 1
JK410025 RITIKA SARMAL 11 GHSS utterbehani,Samba 1
JK417909 AHANA SHARMA 11 BBN Institute of Intellectuals, Vijaypur,Samba 2