विद्यार्थी विज्ञान मंथन

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan



Please note that it is not necessary that all School Level Winners will be the District Level Winners. In the same way it is not necessary that all District Level Winners will be selected for State Level Camp Participation

Districts Rankers from Junior group :

As there is no sufficient participation from your district for class 6 no winners have been selected
Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
GJ352370 AARCHISHA SINGH KASHYAP 7 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 1
GJ352369 DARSH CHIRAG THAKKAR 7 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 2
GJ352372 DRAVYA TEJAS SHAH 7 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352375 SNEHAL KESHRI 8 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 1
GJ352378 AARUSH SINHA 8 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 2
GJ352380 KSHITIJ AGRAWAL 8 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352385 JAY GANDHI 8 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3

Districts Rankers from Senior group :

As there is no sufficient participation from your district for class 11 no winners have been selected
Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
GJ352413 ANIKETH GOPALGAHAR 9 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 1
GJ352402 ANIKET AJOY PRASAD 9 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 2
GJ352403 SITANSHU B TIWARI 9 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 2
GJ352398 DHYEY ANKUR PATEL 9 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352410 SHARANYA SHAH 9 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352421 SAMARTH CHAUDHARY 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 1
GJ352434 SHASHANK SINGH 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 2
GJ352422 BHAVYA SHAH 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352436 NAVYA TIWARI 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352441 VRAJ ZAVERBHAI PATEL 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3
GJ352433 SAMAY PADALIA 10 ALLEN Career Institute Surat,Surat 3