विद्यार्थी विज्ञान मंथन

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan



Please note that it is not necessary that all School Level Winners will be the District Level Winners. In the same way it is not necessary that all District Level Winners will be selected for State Level Camp Participation

Districts Rankers from Junior group :

Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
BR396588 AYUSH KUMAR 6 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 1
BR389614 HARSH RAJ 6 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 2
BR403109 NAVYA KESHRI 6 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 3
BR325722 SALONI PRIYA 7 ALLEN Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. (Digital),Dumra 1
BR400463 MAYANK RAJ 7 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 2
BR399777 NAKSH RAJ 7 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 3
BR399844 SAHIL KUMAR 8 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 1
BR401994 AMRITANSHU KUMAR 8 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 2
BR400448 MANISH KUMAR 8 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 2
BR400944 ASTUTI KUMARI 8 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 3
BR400424 MUKUND MADHAV 8 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 3

Districts Rankers from Senior group :

As there is no sufficient participation from your district for class 11 no winners have been selected
Username Student Name Class School Name and Address Rank
BR399778 SAKSHI RAJ 9 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 1
BR399780 MIMANSA JYOTI 9 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 2
BR399166 VIVEK KUMAR 9 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 3
BR399785 ANUSHKA RAJ 10 Delhi public school LAGMA, SITAMARHI,Dumra 1